The District partners with Metropolitan Water District and surrounding agencies to offer customers a variety of rebates. Below are a list of the most recent rebate programs available for the servie area.
For Residential Water-Use Efficiency Incentives, Programs, and Classes please visit the water use efficiency page.
Additional tips and resources can found at Save Our Water.
Rebate Programs Available for Rainbow Water Customers
Turf Replacement Program

Are you looking to improve your yard and water bill? SoCal WaterSmart's Turf Replacement program is designed to assist commercial and residential customers with the process of replacing high water use turf with a low water use California friendly landscape. The Turf Replacement program aims to combine turf removal, irrigation modification and rainwater retention or filtration to support reuse or soil absorption of rainwater. For more information and project requirements visit SoCal WaterSmart's website.
Tree Rebate Program
Thinking about starting a turf replacement project? You can now receive a $100 rebate per tree for up to five trees planted while you replace your grass with a beautiful California friendly landscape. Tree rebate program requirements and tree list are available at:
Invest in Your Landscape
For more information download the SoCal WaterSmart's Turf and Tree replacement program.
MWD WaterSmart Turf and Tree Rebate Program
Water Savings Incentive Program
Metropolitan’s Water Savings Incentive Program (WISP) is exclusively available to non-residential customers in our service area to increase water-use efficiency through funding high-efficiency equipment upgrades, installation of irrigation systems, and water management services. The program encourages the submittal of custom projects designed for water-saving needs that assist agricultural customers in achieving their water efficiency goals. Explore the program and project examples on Metropolitan's website.
Regional CropSWAP Program
Rainbow Water is proud to partner with Rancho Water, to bring customers the Regional CropSWAP Program. Since the program launched in the spring, nearly 70 customers have applied and received grant funding totaling over $765,000. Projects approved for funding aim to sustain agriculture through crop upgrades or rejuvenation,
improve irrigation, and other best management practices.
Read more about the program to identify a rebate that best fits your needs and submit an online application at