Rainbow Water is committed to providing all customers with a safe and reliable water supply. Water is regularly monitored and tested throughout our service area to ensure the water served to your homes and businesses meets or exceed all state and federal guidelines for safe drinking water, and this past year was no exception.
The Environmental Protection Agency and State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water requires all water agencies to provide the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), an annual water quality report to inform all customers of their drinking water supply. Rainbow Water's 2023 report can be viewed in the links below in English and Spanish. Print copies are available at the Rainbow Water office in English and Spanish.
Download the 2023 Water Quality Report
RMWD CCR 2023 Water Quality ReportRMWD Reporte Anual de Calidad Del Agua 2023The annual drinking water report is compiled each spring based on data from the previous year.
Este informe contiene informacion muy importante sobre la calidad de su agua beber.