March 2017 Newsletter
Moosa Crest Transmission Pipeline Replacement Project
The Moosa Crest pipeline is a 16-inch water transmission pipeline that was originally installed in 1960 and runs north to south perpendicular to Camino Del Rey, crossing Moosa Creek above the water line. The previous rains in January undermined one to the supports which subsequently failed and became submerged under Moosa Creek as seen in the pictures below. The pipeline was not damaged in this event but while District staff was preparing to replace the support, the massive storm that occurred on Monday, February 27, 2017, significantly increased in flow in Moosa Creek causing tree debris to severely damage the pipe.
As many area residents know, the flows in Mossa Creek changed substantially when Interstate 15 was constructed in 1981. The large surface area of the freeway increases both the quantity and speed of the water coming into Moosa Creek and has substantially altered flows in the area.
March 2017 Newsletter