SDCWA Aqueduct Shutdown OVER
The Water Authority aqueduct shutdown if over as of Monday, September 16, 2019. Thank you for your support and patience. All watering restrictions have been lifted and you may resume your normal watering schedules and usage.

The bulkhead installation work has been completed, and both the north and south portions of Pipeline 4 have been placed back into service. Pipeline 4 will be functioning in a modified operation while the leak is repaired. However our customers will have no restrictions impossed during this time. SDCWA anticipates the pipeline will be in the modified operation until at least the end of October.
The Water Authority will be looking at scheduling another ten day shutdown (hopefully in the winter) to remove the bulkheads after the repair work has been completed. We will keep you posted as the work progresses and SDCWA has more details regarding any future shutdown date.
For more details about the shutdown go to SDCWA's website.