Important information: LAFCO to hear proposal to dissolve Rainbow MWD
As you may be aware, the Fallbrook Public Utility District (FPUD) filed a unilateral application with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to dissolve Rainbow MWD (RMWD) and annex the entire district into FPUD. LAFCO has re-scheduled a hearing to September 14, 2015 to consider the application and decide the future of RMWD.
The RMWD Board of Directors opposes the merger on a number of grounds including the overwhelming opposition to the merger by our ratepayers. Among the hundreds of letters sent to LAFCO, RMWD ratepayers opposed to the merger outnumbered supporters by a 20:1 margin. LAFCO staff has produced a report with two options:
- Option 1 is to proceed with the merger
- Option 2 is to reject the merger
The RMWD Board supports Option 2.
Should LAFCO choose to proceed with the merger, the next phase will be a protest period. During a short period of time, RMWD ratepayers who oppose the merger can submit specific protest forms to LAFCO and if 25% of the registered voters in RMWD submit these forms, the matter will be put on the ballot for a public vote. RMWD believes that LAFCO can make a public vote a condition of approval, but LAFCO staff has not included that as an option for the Commission.
The LAFCO Commission meeting to consider the application and decide the future of RMWD is:
September 14, 2015, 9:00 AM
San Diego County Administrative Center, Room 310, 1600 Pacific Hwy, San Diego
This will be the opportunity for all parties to express their support or opposition to the proposed merger. A third party is arranging for bus transportation for those who need transportation. Please email " " to get on the list for the bus.