A Special Message About Coronavirus (COVID–19)
Dear Rainbow Water District Customers,
The District office has been closed to the public since Monday, March 16, 2020.
As we see hospitalizations in the state increase and the number of ICU patients battling the coronavirus also increased we remain vigilant in our efforts to minimize the spread of the virus.
At this time we do not have plans to reopen our offices to the public.
Engineering and notary service will be by appointment only.
We will continue to update you as to any specifics on our reopening.
Here is a video message from Tom Kennedy, General Manager of Rainbow.
RMWD Public Announcement Video
COVID-19 FAQ SheetThe District is closely monitoring events and public health recommendations surrounding the outbreak and spread of COVID-19. We want to reassure customers that your tap water is available, plentiful and safe. There is currently no evidence to support that COVID-19 is transmitted through drinking water.
The District obtains its drinking water from treatment plants that utilize multiple steps in their treatment process to physically remove, disinfect and chemically inactivate viruses, bacteria and other living organisms. This level of treatment meets the strict state and federal drinking water standards ensuring water is safe for consumption.
Our water quality staff continuously monitors the water supply throughout the distribution system, collecting more than 250 samples each year. These results are published in the Annual Water Quality report.
The District relies on its employees to provide a reliable, safe, high-quality water supply to all our customers here in the San Luis Rey Valley area. In order to prepare for COVID-19, the District has developed a Pandemic Response Plan which outlines the critical job functions performed during a major incident making sure we are ready to respond effectively and efficiently if necessary.
The spread of COVID-19 may necessitate changes in the way we interact, but it does not change what we do. The District will continue to operate and will continue to deliver the same high-quality tap water we have been providing for over five decades.
COVID19 Board ResolutionIf you have any questions you can contact us at (760) 728-1178 or email our Public Relations team at pr@rainbowmwd.com.